Allegheny-Clarion Valley Elementary School issued the following announcement.
A member of the Allegheny-Clarion Valley School District community has tested positive for COVID-19. This community member is currently isolating and will remain so until cleared to return to campus. The district is working with the Department of Health (DOH) and will be contacting all close contacts (students, staff, and guests) who were near the COVID positive community member.
Keep in mind that contraction of COVID-19 occurs through close contact with an identified person. According to the department of health, close contact is defined as having been within six feet for more than 15 minutes from a person who has tested positive for COVID.
If you have questions please call me tomorrow at 724-659-5820 and remember to wear a face covering, wash hands often, take your temperature each day before coming to school and practice social distancing at all times.
In closing, if you are sick please stay home.
Original source can be found here.