Allegheny-Clarion Valley Elementary School issued the following announcement.
Good afternoon,
The A-C Valley school board recently voted to extend our distance-learning program through the end of Christmas break. However, beginning Dec. 7, 2020 we will begin a phased reopening plan to prepare for a district-wide return. This plan starts with bringing back the CCCC students, IU classrooms, and begin the varsity athletic program.
We are also hopeful to bring back smaller groups of students in the near future, but due to extenuating circumstances this part of our plan is on pause. If your family received a call this week by an A-CV staff member who invited your child back into school, please disregard the call this part of the planed reopening will be placed on hold until further notice.
Our school board had a difficult decision to make, and the impetus of their decision was based on student and staff safety. I am sure that many families in our district would like to see us reopen on Monday; but at this time, the COVID numbers in our surrounding communities, coupled with other variables, will not permit us to open up the entire district at this time.
To better support our students during this extended closure, the district is planning to adjust the current distance-learning program. These changes will be implemented starting Monday, December 7th and are in an attempt to ensure that we are meeting the needs of all our students we are making some adjustments, please access the website and Facebook page before Monday.
Junior/Senior High School Students
• The main change at the Jr/Sr HS is that we are requiring all our students to log on during the school day and follow their regular class schedule.
• During this time, teachers will be providing live instruction, support, and oversight of their classrooms on Google Meets during the class period just like a normal day.
• Students will be required to log in to your Google Meet during that same time every day. This counts as their attendance.
• Students are expected to present themselves as if they were in school.
• Wake-up early and get into a morning route that includes getting dressed with school appropriate cloths, wash your face, comb your hair and eat breakfast.
-Find a location in your house that is quite and promotes learning such as the kitchen table or dining room area.
-Check the following each morning by 8:00 AM:
-Your Teachers’ Google Classrooms
Elementary School Students
• Students are expected to follow the directions from their teachers.
• Students be in a location that is free of distractions.
• Find an appropriate learning location and pajamas are not appropriate school attire.
• When possible, parental support is encouraged, learning as a family can be fun.
Allegheny-Clarion Valley School District
Distance Learning Expectations for Junior/Senior High School Students
Student Attendance Expectations
• Your teacher will take attendance each period
• Student attendance will follow state guidelines for permissible and non-permissible absences.
• The attendance will be done through MMS.
• You must log onto each class in order to be marked as present.
• If you have a valid excuse for missing school, you should indicate this by speaking with the teacher.
-Student employment is not a valid excuse for absences.
Student Participation Expectations
• You are required to log into each of your teacher’s Google Classrooms between 7:42 AM and 3:05 PM, just as you would if you were learning in the building.
• It is required that you log into each of your Google Classrooms in the order in which you would if you were in the building (e.g., work on first period content between 7:42 AM and 8:20 AM).
• Following a schedule will help you develop a routine, which research has proven to be essential to success in remote classroom settings.
• Each class will consist of an introduction to the lesson, activity linked to the lesson, and an assessment.
• You are expected to participate in online learning via your teachers’ Google Classrooms throughout the school day.
Student Supports
-Your teachers will be available via email and Google Meets during school hours only.
-Check your teachers’ Google Classrooms for Google Meet times
-Your teachers will post due dates for each assignment.
-Unless you have a valid excuse for missing school and/or an assignment, you are expected to turn in all assignments by their due dates.
-If you have a valid excuse for missing school or an assignment, you must communicate this with your teachers before an assignment is due.
-Failure to meet due dates will result in point deductions.
-As a general rule of thumb, if an action is not appropriate for in-person school, it is not appropriate for remote schooling.
Examples include:
-Using cell phones or any other means to cheat on assignments
-Skipping school to work
-Copying a classmate’s work
Allegheny-Clarion Valley School District
Distance Learning Expectations for Elementary School Students
• Teachers will provide opportunities during the day to meet with their students.
• Teachers will work with the administration to support all learners.
• Students are expected to do their best and complete all assignments.
• Students are encouraged to reach-out to the teachers or school counselor when in need of supports.
• Teachers will be available at least 60 minutes each day for live instruction or open office hours.
Original source can be found here.